
movie rec: 500 days of summer

Ok folks, I promise to get back to regular blogging soon! It's been crazy busy the last few weeks - I've been working on new stuff for fall, and also trying to figure out my fall and holiday show schedule. Now that I have that out of the way, I should be able to at least try to keep this thing updated regularly!

This weekend, we saw 500 Days of Summer, which I thought was fan-tastic. Main reason I probably loved it: I want to be love Zooey Deschanel. But she wasn't the only reason to love this movie, there were also the credits and art direction of the scene transitions, the wardrobes (I want one of everything Zooey's character was wearing), the music, the set (loved the chalkboard wall in Tom's bedroom) and the ending (not a typical Hollywood ending). We give it two thumbs up. So, what about you? Any new movie recs for me?